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ABCD_AV989 in the ABCD (AntiBodies Chemically Defined) Database

Antigen information
Target type Protein
Target link UniProt: P0C2E9 Clostridium perfringens (strain 13 / Type A)
Target name pfo, pfoA, pfoR, Perfringolysin O, Theta-toxin, Thiol-activated cytolysin, PFO, θ toxin
Antibody information
Antibody name anti-PFO-HS2
Antibody synonyms Hybridoma 4D8 derived
Applications ELISA, Neutralization, Western blot
Publications PMID: 32891180
DOI: 10.1007/BF01577135
Would you like to obtain this antibody?
It can be produced at the Geneva Antibody facility (for more information, please check here).