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ABCD_AW216 in the ABCD (AntiBodies Chemically Defined) Database

Antigen information
Target type Protein
Target link UniProt: Q9BE41 Bos taurus (Bovine)
UniProt: Q9UKX2 Homo sapiens (Human)
UniProt: Q076A7 Canis lupus familiaris (Dog) (Canis familiaris)
UniProt: Q9TV63 Sus scrofa (Pig)
UniProt: Q8MJV1 Equus caballus (Horse)
UniProt: Q7JFI3 Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit)
UniProt: Q9WUS5 Mus musculus (Mouse)
Target name MYH2, Myosin-2, Myosin heavy chain 2, Myosin heavy chain 2a, MyHC-2a
Antibody information
Antibody name SC-71
Applications Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry, Western blot
Cross-references DSHB: SC-71
Cellosaurus: CVCL_2184
Publications PMID: 2547831
PMID: 17691104
PMID: 18840559
Deposited by Hybridoma originally developed by Schiaffino et al. (University of Padova, IT). Sequenced by the Geneva Antibody Facility, and deposited by Dr. Olivier Dorchies (University of Geneva, CH).
Would you like to obtain this antibody?
It can be produced at the Geneva Antibody facility (for more information, please check here).