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ABCD_AY733 in the ABCD (AntiBodies Chemically Defined) Database

Antigen information
Target type Protein
Target link UniProt: Q9NP84 Homo sapiens (Human)
Target name Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 12A, Fibroblast growth factor-inducible immediate-early response protein 14 (FGF-inducible 14), Tweak-receptor (TweakR), CD266, TNFRSF12A, FN14
Epitope Extracellular domain
Recognizes a conformational epitope dependent on disulphide bond formation within Fn14
Antibody information
Antibody name CRCBT-06-005
Antibody synonyms Anti-Fn14 CRCBT-06-005
Applications ELISA, Western blot, Flow cytometry
Cross-references Cellosaurus: CVCL_C5R9
Publications Patent: WO2013026099
Would you like to obtain this antibody?
It can be produced at the Geneva Antibody facility (for more information, please check here).