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Molecular Cytogenetics of Common Epithelial Cancers > Breast Carcinoma cell lines > HCC1937

HCC1937   [Cellosaurus entry CVCL_0290]

Breast Cancer Cell Line


A near-tetraploid cell line from mammary gland: breast; duct; primary ductal carcinoma, cells are homozygous for a frameshift mutation in BRCA1, held at ATCC, included in the Cancer Genome Project at the Sanger Institute.

Notable Features

Tetraploid, extremely rearranged with 36 structural chromosome aberrations, some translocations very complex, the majority unbalanced. However, one is a reciprocal translocation t(8;10), targeting the NRG1 gene (Adelaide et al, 2003). Half of the chromosomes show structural alterations and all chromosomes except 17 were affected. Some metaphases, show indication of ongoing exchange events.

Representative SKY Karyotype

HCC1937: 86 (74–90) X, Xx0/1 der(X)t(X;3), der(X)t(X;5), 1x0, der(1)t(1;4), der(1)del(1)x2, 2x1, der(2)t(2;5), der(2)t(10;2;5), 3x2, der(3)del(3)t(X;3), der(3)del(3)t(3;5), der(3)del(3), 4x0, i(4)(q10), der(4)t(4;13), der(4)t(13;4;8;9;12), 5x2, der(5)del(5)t(3;5), der(5)del(5), 6x2, der(6)t(5;6;1), der(6)t(5;6;1;6;5), 7x2, der(7)del(7)t(7;14), der(7)del(7)x2, 8x2, der(8)t(8;10)bx2, der(8)t(8;1;20), 9x2, der(9)del(9), 10x2, der(10)t(8;10)b, der(10)t(3;10), der(10)del(10)t(X;10)x2, der(10)del(10), 11x2, der(11)t(11;20), 12x3, 13x3, 14x2, der(14)t(3;14), 15x2, der(15)t(8;15), der(15)dic(15;15), 16x2, der(16)t(1;16), 17x3, 18x0/1, der(18)t(1;18), der(18)t(12;18), der(18)t(18;20)x2, 19x0/1, der(19)t(X;19), der(19)t(11;19), 20x3, 21x1, der(21)t(21;22), 22x3.

Additional Information  

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Examples of verification of representative structural abnormalities by two-and three-colour FISH. a and b, the two large derivatives of chromosome 6: a, der(6)t(5;6;1;6;5) chromosome 5 blue, chromosome 6 red, chromosome 1 green, b, der(1)t(5;6;1) chromosome 5 blue, chromosome 6 red, chromosome 1 green; c, t(5;6;5;6;?;6;5), an example of a variant of the der(6) shown in a, found in three metaphases, chromosome 5 green, chromosome 6 red (note change of colours). The unlabelled chromosome '?' is presumed to be 1 as in a. d and e, the complex chromosome 4 derivative, der(4)t(13;4;8;9;12). d, chromosome 13 blue, chromosome 9 green, chromosome 12 red. e, chromosome 4 blue, chromosome 8 red. f, reciprocal translocation t(8;10), chromosome 8 red, chromosome 10 blue.



Breast Cancer Cell Lines