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UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Q10981: Variant p.Arg138Cys

Galactoside alpha-(1,2)-fucosyltransferase 2
Gene: FUT2
Variant information Variant position: help 138
Type of variant: help LB/B
Residue change: help From Arginine (R) to Cysteine (C) at position 138 (R138C, p.Arg138Cys).
Physico-chemical properties: help Change from large size and basic (R) to medium size and polar (C)
BLOSUM score: help -3
Polymorphism: help Three alleles have been identified in the Japanese population: Se1, Se2, and Sej.Common polymorphisms in FUT2 define the vitamin B12 plasma level quantitative trait locus 1 (B12QTL1) [MIM:612542]. Vitamin B12 found in meat and milk products is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, DNA synthesis during cell division, and maintenance of the myelin nerve sheath, among other functions. Deficiency in vitamin B12, clinically associated with pernicious anemia, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders, is often related to poor intestinal B12 absorption rather than direct dietary deficiency. - Genetic variation in FUT2 results in the non-secretor phenotype which gives rise to non-functional FUT2, resulting in a lack of the H type-1 oligosaccharide ligand in secretions, and this prevents Norwalk virus binding contributing to resistance to Norwalk virus infection. -
Other resources: help

Sequence information Variant position: help 138
Protein sequence length: help 343
Sequence annotation in neighborhood: help
Chain 1 – 343 Galactoside alpha-(1,2)-fucosyltransferase 2
Topological domain 29 – 343 Lumenal

Literature citations
SeattleSNPs variation discovery resource;
Cited for: NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE [GENOMIC DNA]; VARIANTS VAL-25; CYS-138; ASN-172 AND SER-258; Extensive polymorphism of the FUT2 gene in an African (Xhosa) population of South Africa.
Liu Y.; Koda Y.; Soejima M.; Pang H.; Schlaphoff T.; du Toit E.D.; Kimura H.;
Hum. Genet. 103:204-210(1998)
Cited for: VARIANTS VAL-25; CYS-138 AND ASN-172;
Disclaimer: Any medical or genetic information present in this entry is provided for research, educational and informational purposes only. They are not in any way intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnostic, treatment or care.