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UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot P78363: Variant p.Ser2255Ile

Retinal-specific phospholipid-transporting ATPase ABCA4
Gene: ABCA4
Variant information Variant position: help 2255
Type of variant: help LB/B
Residue change: help From Serine (S) to Isoleucine (I) at position 2255 (S2255I, p.Ser2255Ile).
Physico-chemical properties: help Change from small size and polar (S) to medium size and hydrophobic (I)
BLOSUM score: help -2
Other resources: help

Sequence information Variant position: help 2255
Protein sequence length: help 2273
Residue conservation: help
Human                         SVTQTTLDQVFVNFAKQQTESHDLPLHPRAAGASRQAQD--------------------------------------



Slime mold                    SVSQTSIEQIFIKLTKNSITNIDN---------------

Sequence annotation in neighborhood: help
Chain 1 – 2273 Retinal-specific phospholipid-transporting ATPase ABCA4
Topological domain 1895 – 2273 Cytoplasmic

Literature citations
Mutation of the Stargardt disease gene (ABCR) in age-related macular degeneration.
Allikmets R.; Shroyer N.F.; Singh N.; Seddon J.M.; Lewis R.A.; Bernstein P.S.; Peiffer A.; Zabriskie N.A.; Li Y.; Hutchinson A.; Dean M.; Lupski J.R.; Leppert M.;
Science 277:1805-1807(1997)
Cited for: REVIEW; VARIANTS ARMD2 LYS-471; LEU-1129; SER-1517; THR-1562; ARG-1578; HIS-1898; PHE-1970 AND ASN-2177; VARIANTS GLY-643; HIS-846; ALA-863; GLN-943; MET-1428; GLU-1961 AND ILE-2255; Analysis of the ABCR (ABCA4) gene in 4-aminoquinoline retinopathy: is retinal toxicity by chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine related to Stargardt disease?
Shroyer N.F.; Lewis R.A.; Lupski J.R.;
Am. J. Ophthalmol. 131:761-766(2001)
Cited for: VARIANTS RETINAL TOXICITY CYS-1129; ARG-1201 AND HIS-2107; VARIANTS HIS-212; ARG-423; ILE-1868 AND ILE-2255; Late-onset Stargardt disease is associated with missense mutations that map outside known functional regions of ABCR (ABCA4).
Yatsenko A.N.; Shroyer N.F.; Lewis R.A.; Lupski J.R.;
Hum. Genet. 108:346-355(2001)
Cited for: VARIANTS FFM GLY-339; ALA-863; TRP-943; ARG-991; VAL-1038; CYS-1108; ARG-1488; THR-1562; GLN-1640; PHE-2027; GLN-2030 AND CYS-2106; VARIANTS HIS-212; ARG-423; GLN-943; THR-1148; ILE-1868 AND ILE-2255; Spectrum of ABCA4 (ABCR) gene mutations in Spanish patients with autosomal recessive macular dystrophies.
Paloma E.; Martinez-Mir A.; Vilageliu L.; Gonzalez-Duarte R.; Balcells S.;
Hum. Mutat. 17:504-510(2001)
Cited for: VARIANTS STGD1 SER-686; TRP-1055; ASP-1799; ASP-1805; PRO-1940 AND HIS-2107; VARIANTS FFM MET-1253 AND PRO-1940; VARIANTS CORD3 CYS-212 AND ARG-2060; VARIANTS GLN-943; LEU-1948 AND ILE-2255; ABCA4 mutational spectrum in Mexican patients with Stargardt disease: Identification of 12 novel mutations and evidence of a founder effect for the common p.A1773V mutation.
Chacon-Camacho O.F.; Granillo-Alvarez M.; Ayala-Ramirez R.; Zenteno J.C.;
Exp. Eye Res. 109:77-82(2013)
Cited for: VARIANTS STGD1 TRP-18; HIS-24; 89-GLU--ASP-2273 DEL; CYS-212; ASP-241; TRP-290; TRP-602; GLU-818; SER-965; ARG-1014; LEU-1129; LEU-1380; PHE-1416 DEL; HIS-1443; TRP-1551 DEL; THR-1556; 1681-VAL--VAL-1685 DEL; GLN-1705; VAL-1773; ASN-1775; HIS-1779; GLN-1942; VAL-2074 AND ARG-2128; VARIANTS GLN-943; ILE-1868 AND ILE-2255; Screening of ABCA4 Gene in a Chinese Cohort With Stargardt Disease or Cone-Rod Dystrophy With a Report on 85 Novel Mutations.
Jiang F.; Pan Z.; Xu K.; Tian L.; Xie Y.; Zhang X.; Chen J.; Dong B.; Li Y.;
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 57:145-152(2016)
Cited for: VARIANTS STGD1 LYS-14; PRO-18; HIS-24; VAL-72; CYS-97; 185-GLN--ASP-2273 DEL; ARG-240; LEU-291; 326-TYR--ASP-2273 DEL; VAL-328; SER-345; THR-410; CYS-508; CYS-511; ARG-519; 533-GLN--ASP-2273 DEL; CYS-537; ARG-548; ARG-550; LEU-593; TRP-602; CYS-603; ARG-607; ASN-645; HIS-653; SER-754; 808-TYR--ASP-2273 DEL; VAL-816; SER-965; TYR-965; SER-973; MET-1019; GLY-1022; LYS-1036; LEU-1074; THR-1094; HIS-1108; LYS-1122; THR-1130; TRP-1140; SER-1159; HIS-1161; 1300-ARG--ASP-2273 DEL; ASN-1371; 1453-TYR--ASP-2273 DEL; LEU-1503; HIS-1511; MET-1526; ARG-1591; 1724-TRP--ASP-2273 DEL; VAL-1773; LEU-1776; TRP-1843; LYS-1885; GLY-1921; MET-1921; ARG-1961; SER-1977; TYR-2017; THR-2023; 2030-ARG--ASP-2273 DEL; ARG-2032; TRP-2038; 2040-ARG--ASP-2273 DEL; GLN-2040; GLY-2042; THR-2064; GLU-2078; SER-2097; ARG-2150 AND SER-2188; VARIANTS ARG-423; TYR-1102; THR-1209; MET-1428; MET-1572; 1618-TRP--ASP-2273 DEL; VAL-1623; GLN-1640; 1652-TYR--ASP-2273 DEL; ILE-1868 AND ILE-2255; VARIANTS CORD3 53-GLU--ASP-2273 DEL; ARG-55; PRO-63; 107-ARG--ASP-2273 DEL; 218-GLN--ASP-2273 DEL; CYS-320; 339-TRP--ASP-2273 DEL; 605-TRP--ASP-2273 DEL; LYS-636; ARG-661; CYS-1183; CYS-1368; 1479-TRP--ASP-2273 DEL; 1650-GLU--ASP-2273 DEL; ILE-1882; SER-2043; HIS-2107 AND ASP-2146;
Disclaimer: Any medical or genetic information present in this entry is provided for research, educational and informational purposes only. They are not in any way intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnostic, treatment or care.